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Your test results will be posted to your 3D-CDDS portal account two to seven days after the information is reported to your doctor. Depending on the complexity of the tests, results may be sent to your doctor the day after your specimen is submitted for testing, or it could take several days to complete the tests and send the results to your doctor. You should contact your doctor's office if you have any question about the availability of test results, or you can continue to check your 3D-CDDS portal account, as results are posted based on a fixed schedule as indicated above.
If you have been authorized to view the lab test results of other people in your account, select Dependents from the left menu, then select the person whose lab test results you would like to see. If you do not see lab test results for that person, be sure you have access rights to that person’s laboratory information.
In most cases, lab test results delivery times should not exceed two weeks. The most common reason for delay in receiving results is inaccurate or out-of-date personal information on record with your health care providers or in your 3D-CDDS​ portal personal profile.
Lab results are delivered to your 3D-CDDS portal account. Log in or register online. Please wait at least seven days after we report the lab test results to your doctor before looking for your lab test results online.
To look up patient information about clinical laboratory tests, go to Patient Test Information. You can also review more detailed test information in our online Test Menu. You should also consult your physician for specific questions.
Scheduling an appointment may be accomplished by accessing the Labs & Appointments section. Make sure to write the PSC location/ time/date/confirmation number down for your patient, as he/she will need this information for cancellations/changes.
Appointments are not required but may help reduce your patient's wait time. Our locations are generally busiest from opening until 10:00 AM. If withholding food and/or beverages prior to the test is not required, you may wish to schedule an appointment during off-peak hours.